
About Safır Internatıonal School

Safir international school was founded in 2015 by a group of experienced educational specialists who are academically and scientifically qualified. It began operations in June 2015 and had approximately 300 students from kindergarten through 10th grade in its first academic year. Due to the school›s outstanding reputation, student enrollment has grown from 300 students in its first year in one school, to 5 branches, 200 teachers, 160 administrators and support staff, and more than 2500 students from approximately 45 different countries



Safir International Programs

Because at Safir we focus on our children’s physical, personal, social, emotional, and cognitive well-being. We open the way for children to learn how to build, create, problem solve, communicate, learn diversity, build self-esteem, and be part of a loving community through 8 different programs.

1. Social Life skills program

We offer this program to KG and elementary students in grades 1, 2, and 3. Depending on the age group, experts have created a classification for the skills that each child should acquire. It is true that when children learn the skills available for their age and carry their responsibilities, they grow up more confident and feel safe and engaged. They feel a sense of belonging to their family and are more concerned about their home. We work with parents to assess where their children are from a placement perspective. We make sure they are progressing through the normal cascade. If there is a gap, we put a plan in place to make up for it.

2. Prophylactic psychological health program

Children spend more time in school than in any other formal institutional structure. Therefore, we believe that as  Safir School, we play a key role in children’s development, from peer relationships and social interactions to academic achievement and cognitive progress, emotional control and behavioural expectations, and physical and moral development. All of these areas are reciprocally influenced by mental health.


Evidence from epidemiological studies in high-income countries shows a point prevalence of 8-18% for psychiatric disorders in school-aged children, although many more children have lower but still debilitating levels of mental distress. Therefore, effective mental health interventions could improve outcomes for all children, not just those with clinically significant psychiatric morbidity, underscoring the potential benefits of universal interventions. And that is why we offer this programme at Safir International School.

3. Leadership program I lead

The target segment is from KG to grade 12. The program aims to install the 7 habits of highly effective teenagers. But, what are the 7 habits?


  1. Be proactive and take responsibility for your life – you are the driver, not the passenger. If you get a bad grade on a test, what are you going to say…it’s the teacher’s fault or I should have studied more
  2. Start with a goal in mind. Define your mission and goals in life and decide where you want to go and draw a map
  3. Put the first things first. Prioritize and get the most important things done first.
  4. Think in terms of win-win situations. Have an “anyone can win” attitude. and it should be an attitude toward life. It is the basis for getting along well with other people.
  5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Listen to people sincerely. The key to good communication is to listen first, then talk.
  6. synergize: work together to achieve more synergy. Celebrate differences, work as a team, be open-minded, find new and better ways of doing things.
  7. Sharpen the Saw: Renew yourself regularly, do things just for yourself, and take care of your body, mind, heart, and soul.


How can these habits help you as a student?

1- Get control of your life.

2- Improve your relationships and get along with your parents.

3- Make wiser decisions.

4- Increase your self-confidence.

5- Define your values.

6- Get more done in less time.

7- Find a balance between school, work, friends, and everything else.


We have 3 different strategies to get the habits into the hearts of our students. Among these strategies, we have many activities.

4. Outside class activity

We know that students learn more through action and cooperation and intervention than by just watching and listening. Each department has a yearly plan of activities outside of class. We link each activity to a character building habit, value, or skill. The goal of character education is discussed with the students and is expressed in a more and rubric of assessment.

5. Character building standards through subject teaching

We use the ELEOT system for internal class management. These standards ensure that the classroom:

  1. Equitable Learning environment
  2. high expectations environment.
  3. Supportive Learning Environment.
  4. Active Learning Environment.
  5. Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment.
  6. Well-Managed Learning Environment.
  7. Digital Learning Environment.


Meeting the requirements of each environment will help students develop 21st century skills.


6. Islamic and Arabic curriculum

In our Arabic and Islamic Studies program, we not only teach the academic stander to master Arabic and learn all the concepts of Islam, but we also have a clear vision about the morals and values that we work on for each class so that it can be subjected for assessment and improvement.

7. Community service program

We believe that charity is a very important tool to instill kindness, mercy and help others. It helps children and teens learn awareness of others, which is a very important standard of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is considered as the 1st factor that ensures success in career and social life. Our charity programs are designed and tailored to be open to any class and any student can find a way to participate. During the charity projects, students can try to develop their skills in marketing, design, public speaking and many others. They can use it to get a direction or the career they will choose for themselves.

8. Motivation and discipline program

Discipline teaches students to be focused and motivated, both for their studies and for other areas of their lives. Students with strong goals are more focused. If students do not stay disciplined, it becomes difficult for them to focus on their studies.

With this program, we improve consequence-based decision making. We show the recipe to be kind and firm.